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Feet and Inches Division by a Single Number

Feet and Inches Division by a Single Number

This Feet and Inches Division Calculator allows you to divide a measurement in feet and inches by a single number. The calculator accepts whole numbers and mixed number inputs for inches (e.g., 3 1/4 or 4/5) and provides results in decimal feet, decimal inches, and mixed fractions. It is handy for construction, DIY projects, and imperial unit calculations.

Feet and Inches Division by a Single Number

Enter the dimension below:


Decimal Inch (Result) in
Inches in
Decimal Feet ft
Feet ft in
Feet (Rounded) ft in


  1. enter the number of feet as a whole or decimal number and the inches as a whole number, fraction (e.g., 3/4), or mixed number (e.g., 5 1/2)
  2. the number by which you want to divide the feet and inches


  1. the result of the division in decimal inches
  2. the result in inches
  3. the result of the division in decimal feet
  4. the result in feet
  5. the result in feet and, where applicable, the fraction part of the inch rounded to a useable fraction

This calculator is particularly useful for anyone needing to convert decimal inches to practical measurements for construction, planning, or general measurement tasks.

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