Spike's Calculators

Fraction Conversion and Simplification

This calculator converts fractions or mixed numbers into fractions with a specified denominator and simplifies the resulting fractions to their simplest form. It makes otherwise unusable fractions usable for practical measurements in various applications, including construction, baking, and other fields requiring specific fractional calculations.

Fraction Converter

Input Number:




  1. enter the fraction or mixed number you wish to convert (the input can be in the form of a simple fraction, e.g., 234/567, a mixed number, e.g., 12 3/4 or a decimal, e.g., 12.4536)
  2. choose the target denominator from the drop-down list (options include 16, 64, 8, 4, 2, or a custom value)


  1. the fraction converted to the specified target denominator
  2. the resulting fraction in a simplified format

Calculator Example

To convert the fraction -112 344/342 to a fraction with a denominator of 16:
  1. Input Number: -112 344/342
  2. Select Denominator: 16
  3. Convert: The calculator converts the fraction to -1776/16 and simplifies it to -111.

This tool ensures accurate and simplified fractional conversions, making otherwise unusable fractions usable for practical measurements in various fields.

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