Circular Shaped Pool Excavation

Estimate the number of truckloads it takes to remove excavated material off-site for a circular-shaped pool.

Circular Shaped Pool Calculator

Circular Shaped Pool Excavation Calculator

Diameter of Circle ft
Average Depth ft
Material Swell/Bulking % %
Truck Load Capacity yd³


Excavation Volume Cubic Feet ft³
Excavation Volume Cubic Yards yd³
Volume of Loose Material in Cubic Yards yd³
# of Truck Loads #


  1. diameter length in feet
  2. average depth of pool in feet
  3. swell/bulking % of excavated material (a percent value)
  4. truckload capacity in cubic yards


  1. volume of excavation in cubic feet
  2. volume of excavation in cubic yards
  3. the volume of excavated material in cubic yards (the volume of the excavated material is more than the excavation volume due to swellingbulking of the material)
  4. number of truckloads it takes to remove the material

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