Fuel and Distance Calculators

Calculating Fuel Economy - How Far Will One Dollar Get You

Spike VM

How many miles will you get for a dollar spent on fuel? As in, one dollar, how far will that get me with my vehicle?

Calculates the distance you can travel by car on a per-dollar basis.

You will need to know your average miles per gallon (MPG) of fuel consumption of your car.

The formula used,
average MPG ÷ $PG = MP$
where MPG = miles per gallon.
$PG = dollar price per gallon of fuel.
MP$ = miles travelled per dollar.
Your average miles per gallon is 24.
The price of one gallon of fuel is $3.84.
You spend $35 on fuel.

24 ÷ 3.84 = 6.25
It will cost you one dollar to travel 6.25 miles.

Multiplying the distance per dollar with the amount spent on fuel;
6.25 * 35 = 218.75
The 35 dollars you spend on fuel will get you a distance of 218.75 miles.

Fuel Ecomomy; Amount of Miles per Dollar Spent

Average Miles per Gallon mi/gal US
Price per Gallon of Fuel $/gal US
Number of Dollars Spend on Fuel $


One Dollar = mi
Your Dollar Amount = mi


  1. enter the average miles per gallon
  2. cost of one gallon of fuel
  3. amount spend on fuel


  1. the number of miles for one dollar
  2. the number of miles based on your dollar amount
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